Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Kangaroos are large animals that live in Australia.
Kangaroos are not mammals they are marsupials. When marsupials are born they have to climb up into their mother’s pouch and they’re only the size of a jellybean. When they’re five months old they’re allowed to stick their heads outside of their mother’s pouch and when they’re six months old they can hop out of their mother’s pouch. If they go too far it is very dangerous so their mother calls them back.
When kangaroos are in a mob one of the strongest kangaroos is the head of the mob but sometimes another kangaroo challenges him because he wants to be the boss. When they fight, the kangaroos punch, scratch and kick. When dingoes chase the mother with its joey in their pouch the mother drops the joey in a safe place because they are too heavy.